Sunday, November 6, 2016

Supply Depots (from the simulation manual)

Confederate Supply Depot

The Confederate supply depot is at Bloomery Gap, with lines back to Winchester and Martinsburg. Confederates may access supplies from the depot as long as supplies are available and there are no Federal troops present at the locality.  Other commissary depots may be established by transporting supplies from Bloomery Gap by commissary train.
The main Federal Depot is located at Cumberland, with lines back to Pittsburg and Ohio. Federals have additional supply depots at New Creek Depot, Paddytown, Patterson Creek Depot, and Green Spring Depot. These are supplied as long as there is a rail connection to Wheeling (off the western exit of the map through New Creek.) If the rail line to Wheeling is cut, depots can be resupplied by transporting supplies from Cumberland as long as a rail connection and train is available.

Destruction of the railroad at any depot on the B&O will result in it the destruction of excess supplies that cannot be carried off and the depot no longer being available.

Commissary Supplies:  Each Supply Depot has a limited amount of Commissary Supplies.

Maximum Commissary Supplies Available per Day
Federal Supply Depots*
18,000 rations (3 days’ rations for 6,000 men)
Bloomery Gap
24,000 rations (3 days’ rations for 8,000 men)

Depots along the B&O are supplied from Wheeling as long as the rail line is open through New Creek. Cumberland is supplied daily even if the rail to Wheeling is cut.

Resupply of Depots: Depots are resupplied with Commissary Supplies to the maximum capacity at 12:00  p.m. each day.
Resupply of Units

Units may be re-supplied by going to a Supply Depot. They will draw ordnance and commissary supplies upon arrival.

Units may also be re-supplied when an ordnance or commissary supply train arrives at their location.

Units may not be partially re-supplied. All men in a unit must be supplied with the same amount of ordnance and/or rations.
Resupply of Supply Trains

Ordinance and commissary trains may be re-supplied by going to a Supply Depot. Wagons are loaded with available supplies between 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.

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