Sunday, November 6, 2016

Commissary Trains - Feeding the Troops

Each player has two commissary trains, identified by a lieut. who in command of the trains (supply wagons).  If a player masses his forces or is unable to forage, he will need to resupply men with the commissary trains. It is highly recommended to assign guards to the trains as they move back and forth between units being re-supplied and supply depots.  Highlights from the manual:

Commissary Trains

Commissary trains (supply wagons) supply units with rations by transporting rations from a supply depot to the unit. Each Army has two commissary trains. Commissary trains may not be sub-divided into smaller trains.

Federal Commissary Trains: Each Federal commissary train carries a maximum of 12,750 rations (3 days’ rations for 4,250 men).

Confederate Commissary Trains: Each Confederate commissary train carries a maximum of 18,000 rations (3 days’ rations for 6,000 men).

1.1.2       Guarding and Capturing Commissary Trains

Train Guards: Units of any size may be detached to act as commissary train guards. Units guarding commissary trains will have their rations supplied by the train and will not need to be re-supplied. (This will not reduce the number of rations that can be delivered to units in the field.)

Capturing a Commissary Train: Any time a unit encounters an enemy commissary train, it will automatically attack.  If the train is unguarded, it will be captured in its entirety, with all rations and wagons falling into possession of the enemy. If it is guarded, a skirmish will take place. If the train guards are victorious, the train will remain in their hands. If the train guard is defeated, the train will be forced to retreat with a loss of wagons and supplies. The loss will be determined by the roll of a die as follows:

% of Wagons and Rations Lost

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