Saturday, November 5, 2016

Contact and Engagement: Simplified Version

Contact takes place when opposing units "run into each other" somewhere across the campaign theatre. They halt out of distance of each other and a contact report is issued. The contact report gives:

1. The unit and commanding officer making contact
2. The location of the contact
3. Screenshots of all visible enemy

The player issues orders based on the report. He has only three options, which cannot be modified with additional instructions:

1. Engage (attack)
2. Maintain Position (observe or receive enemy attack)
3. Withdraw

Based on the contact orders issued by the two opposing players and the number of men on the field, one of three things will happen:

1. Contact is broken without an engagement
2. A skirmish takes place and players will be sent a skirmish report
3. A battle will take place and players are asked to issue tactical orders for the battle.

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