Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Guarding Ordnance Trains

Each brigade and battery has its own ordnance wagon that will move with the brigade / battery commander.  Each ordnance wagon has 10 men, armed with pistols. If there is an engagement, the ordnance wagons will move to the rear.

In a skirmish, it is highly unlikely that the enemy will encounter and capture an ordnance wagon. (I suppose it is possible given the right conditions.) In a battle, the ordnance trains will be at a higher risk. If cavalry is available players may send it to the enemy rear to seek out and capture supply wagons during an engagement. (This has happened in many previous command simulations.) Once an ordnance wagon is captured, it will not be replaced during the campaign.

To help prevent the capture of ordnance trains, players may consider detaching a guard to help the teamsters fight off any attacks by enemy cavalry.

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