Saturday, October 17, 2015

TC2M Mod - The Making of Bath: Part 1

Take Command Second Manassas (TC2M) continues to be a great game. To start out with, the game play is great. Beyond that, it is open to lots of modifications (mods). For the engagement at Bath, I am preparing a custom map. The starting place is a topographic map.

I wanted a topographic map for Berkeley Springs (Bath), but found that it was split across two USGS topographic maps: Stotler's Crossroads, WV and Hancock, MD.  A cropped the portions I wanted from each, joined them together and made them into a square. This was the map on which I added roads in red in a previous post.

After establishing the portion of the map that I will use in the game, the next step is to "paint" on the contour lines using a grayscale. Each contour represents 20 feet of elevation and has a different scale in the 256 range grayscale. Once it is completed, it will be smoothed out a little, re-sized and then made into a file that will be entered into studio pro software to turn it into a 3-D landscape.

So far, I have painted on the contours from 1,160 feet (the lightest color) to 700 feet (the darkest so far). The darkest color (almost black) will be the Potomac River when the contour work is finished.
Here is what the beginning of TC2M Bath looks like so far (you can still see part of the USGS topographic map under the grayscale work):

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