Sunday, October 4, 2015

Rhodes Farm - 9:30 a.m. - Confederates Take the Field

The Federal force at Rhodes Farm is in full retreat. The battery has limbered and is heading to the rear at the gallop, followed by the infantry.

After driving back Ashby's Cavalry, the Federal line of three regiments and a battery held at Rhodes Farm. It was attacked by a Tennessee Brigade, supported by two 4-gun batteries. The Tennessee men took heavy casualties from canister fire by the Union 12 pound Napoleon guns.  The senior commander urged the center regiment forward against the guns,but it was repulsed.

As the center Tennessee regiment was being repulsed, the Federals were launching a counter charge with their right regiment (Pennsylvanians). This charge was repulsed as the Tennessee Brigade slowly started falling back out of canister range.

The Federals moved a regiment from their rear (in support of the guns) to their left to counter what appeared to be an advance on their flank across Timber Ridge. The threat on the left never struck. As the right regiment of the Tennessee Brigade fell back, it unmasked a battery which fired canister into the Federal left. It collapsed and the Federals have fled the field.

The Confederates are collecting their wounded and prisoners. Prisoners are members of the 84th Pennsylvania and 39th Illinois.
From a simulation perspective - the Federals reached their maximum allowable loss in a tactical engagement and were forced to withdraw. They took additional losses in the withdrawal process. Some of the men who are wounded will be left as prisoners.

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