Sunday, June 26, 2016

Simulation Rules: Skirmishes - Part II

When two opposing units enter a skirmish, they will engage until one side has lost 5% casualties. The first side to reach 5% casualties will retreat and then withdraw to another locality.

In the example we have been following of the 3rd Maryland Home Brigade and Companies B & G of Ashby's Cavalry, the Federals have launched an attack on the Confederate cavalry. The Federal troops were set on "attack" and advanced. The Confederates were set on "defend" and were left in their position.

The Federal force had 246 men.  5% casualties would be about 12 men. The Confederates have 136 men, making 5% casualties about 7 men.  As the engagement takes place, I monitor the losses to try to break it off as soon as possible after one side has reached its casualty limit.

Although Captain Shearer's force outnumbered the enemy, it was of much lower quality. Shearer's "green" men armed with Mississippi rifles were no match for Captain Winfield's "regular" cavalry armed with Maynard carbines.  If the Confederates has been forced to withdraw, they would have retreated back to Taylor's Ford, but that was not to be. The Federal loss meant that the unit retreated back to Old Town, Maryland, on the opposite side of the North Branch of the Potomac.

Old Town and Green Spring Depot are unique in the simulation campaign theatre, because it is the only Locality Map with two separate localities. Winfield's men have moved into Green Spring Depot and are considered to occupy the Green Spring Depot Locality as long as there are no Federals south of the Potomac. This creates a strategic problem for the Federal player. If no Federals are able to reach Green Spring Depot and defeat Winfield, he will be able to destroy the railroad after 6:00 p.m., eliminating it as a transportation and supply hub for the Federals.

The next post will give an example of a Skirmish Report based on the action on Taylor's Ford Road.

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