Sunday, January 22, 2017

Confederate Artillery Scatters Federal Cavalry - Romney - Day 6 - morning phase

In the morning hours of January 19, 1862 (Day 6 of the campaign), Federal infantry and batteries that had bivouacked between the Riker and Nelson farms (Romney) formed into columns, marched north up the Green Spring Road (Moorefield and North Branch Turnpike) and disappeared from sight. As Confederate infantry and batteries redeployed in their positions from the previous afternoon, only two Federal units were visible, a cavalry detachment at Hook and another at Nelson.

Confederate Artillery in the orchards at the southwest and northeast corners of Romney opened fire. After a few shots to get the range, the gunners found their targets and the Union cavalrymen at Hook were seen taking wounded men to the rear. The horsemen and Hook soon retired down the Northwest Turnpike into the valley near Mileson and out of sight of the Confederate guns.

It took the gunners on the north side of town a little longer to find their mark, but the Federals at Nelson eventually also were moving wounded to the rear and then retreated, reformed, and withdrew northwards up the Green Spring Road towards Hanging Rocks.

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