Saturday, July 22, 2017

Stats from Romney, Day 1 - Afternoon Phase

The fighting is done for the day at Romney. Colonel Tyler's force holds on to the town, but Stonewall Brigade, 7th Brigade Virginia Militia and Chew's Battery are in position in the woods nearby for the night. Tyler managed to capture ample supplies while moving into town, but the Confederates also had a supply train arrive in the afternoon.

During the fighting, I had thought that the Stonewall Brigade was inflicting heavier losses on the enemy during Tyler's attack across Rogers' Run. Looking at the stats, this doesn't appear to be true. They probably just held their ground better due to higher quality troops. The stats also show that one of Capt. Clark's guns was captured. This will not be awarded to the Confederates. It was a game anomaly and Garnett's men did not take the gun.  The capture of the 7th Indiana colors, will, however, be awarded to the 2nd Virginia. The 7th Indiana was already beat up from the fight at Rogers' Run, was in an exposed position, and was being hit from the left rear by the 5th Virginia as the 27th and 2nd fired on their front.  I rolled a 20-sided die and will record an additional 50% of the remaining men of the 7th Indiana as captured or missing.

Stats below represent only the afternoon phase (Union attack at Rogers' Run and Confederate counter-attack on Romney town). Players will receive a report that includes stats for each unit's loss and activity on Day1, inclusive of the actions at Romney Covered Brigade and Leith during the morning phase.

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