Saturday, July 1, 2017

game play adjustment

In all of my sims, I set the maximum accuracy rating for infantry in the TC2M game is 0.  Formation, Loading, and Melee, however, are equal to unit quality. I set the maximum melee for artillery at 1 and the maximum melee for cavalry at 2.

In the TWW series, I have set the accuracy attribute for artillery as equal to the unit quality. While using the artillery mod, I believe this is too devastating.  Accuracy for artillery will be capped at 3 for the rest of the sim, with loading and formation being equal to unit quality.   I have also increased the reloading time for target rifles (which was previously set the same as rifled muskets).

I want to keep the long-range fire rules (5.1.3 and 5.1.4), but the veteran and elite guns will just be too powerful and accurate with the settings as implemented in turn 1.

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