Wednesday, September 30, 2015

CONTACT!!! January 5th 1862 - 9:00 a.m.

Opposing forces have made contact on the Unger's Store Road, about 3 miles north of Unger's Store. A Federal column had been bivouacked near the confluence of the Middle and South Forks of Sleepy Creek since getting stuck in the poor weather on January 3rd. At down on January 5th, it struck camp and began advancing southward towards Unger's Store from 7:30 a.m.  A company Confederate cavalry that had been observing the Federals from a distance deployed across the road, forcing the Federals to halt and deploy skirmishers to drive them off.

Before shots could even be fired, additional Confederate cavalry has arrived, bringing the southern horsemen to at least a battalion in strength. As light skirmishing is beginning and the Federals begin to unlimber a battery, a column of Confederate infantry can be seen in the distance advancing northward from Unger's Store.....

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