Saturday, February 11, 2017

We have contact! - Morning of Day 8

There was some light contact that resolved itself during the morning. Federal cavalry advanced to Three Churches and Romney to observe enemy lines and then withdrew again to the Middle Fords and Mechanicsburg Gap respectively. Federal infantry and artillery arrived at Springfield, and a contingent of Ashby's Cavalry withdrew and starting heading north in the direction of Green Spring Depot without engaging.

At Burlington, another contingent of Ashby's Cavalry is advancing on the town from the North along the Patterson Creek Road. It has encountered some infantry and a section of artillery and is deciding whether or not to engage.

At Slanesville, Federal infantry accompanied by a battery is at the Fredericks house. It has been met be Confederate infantry (believed to be militia) and a battery of artillery at Izer.

We now await orders for the forces at Burlington and Slanesville...

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