Tuesday, March 28, 2017

TWWII Supplies - Watch Your Back....

In TWWI, command could forage at night acquire rations. In TWWII, only cavalry and small units on outpost duty will be able to forage. The rest of each army will be dependent on its supply line, supply trains, and depots.  Loaded supply trains will also move more slowly than in TWWI. This will create supply challenges for each side, but also provide opportunities for raiding parties to disrupt the enemy's campaign plans.

At the end of TWWI, both sides had realized the importance of supplies and began raiding the enemy's rear. Ashby's cavalry made its way through a hole in the Union line on a search and destroy mission while briefly holding Springfield and heading for Burlington. A Federal command under Colonel Samuel Dunning also advanced into enemy territory and destroyed some supply depots.

Destroying enemy supplies will be a tertiary objective that will earn points in TWWII, as well as cause significant problems for the conduct of the campaign. We can expect to see attempts to locate and destroy enemy supplies in the next simulation. How much of each army's strength will be deployed to safeguard supply lines? Will it be enough?

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