Contact at Tate:
A Federal cavalry company was advancing south from Paw Paw on the Hampshire and Morgan Turnpike and encountered a Confederate cavalry company advancing north on the Turnpike. The have halted and face each other at Tate's Store, at the junction of the Sidling Hill Road and Hampshire and Morgan Turnpike.
A Federal cavalry company was posted at Mooreland on the west side of Spring Gap, when a large body of Confederate infantry and artillery approached through the gap, followed by supply trains. The Union horsemen withdrew north up the Spring Gap Road towards Little Cacapon Depot. The Confederates continued moving west towards Lowell's Cross Roads on the Old Town Road.
Contact at Lowell's Cross Roads:
A Confederate cavalry company was occupying Lowell's Cross Roads when a brigade of infantry and a battery arrived on the Potomac Turnpike from Okonoko. The Federals deployed on the hill north/northwest of town and the battery unlimbered and opened fire. After suffering some losses, the Confederate cavalry men withdrew towards Higginsville.
Contact Near Clasor's Ford
First thing in the morning, a Federal company left Clasor's Ford heading for Points Cross Roads, while a Confederate cavalry company left Points heading to Clasor's Ford. They have met on the Cacapon and North Branch Turnpike in an unidentified location between the two localities.
Contact at Rannel's Tavern and Parker Road Ford
A Federal cavalry company deployed at Rannel's Tavern when Ashby's Cavalry, led by Ashby himself, approached up the Jersey Mountain Road from Three Churches. The Federal unit withdrew quickly towards the Parker Road Ford, followed by Ashby. The Union company forded the South Branch and took up a position on the west bank, as Asbhy's much larger unit has arrived on the east bank.
Contact at Three Churches
A company of Union cavalry briefly appeared at the Greenwalt Farm (at Three Churches), having come from the direction of Mileson Ford. It encountered Confederate infantry deployed at the farm and saw a battery coming up from town. The cavalry withdrew, but returned with four regiments of infantry and nine 12lb Howitzers. From 11:00 a.m. to 11:20 a.m. the guns opened fire, as did a four-gun Confederate battery. The guns continue to fire.
Contact at Romney:
Confederates are Romney deployed a few regiments and a three-gun battery at the Leith Farm and a four-gun battery with some infantry in the woods north of the covered bridge on the east bank of the South Branch. Federals have started a two-pronged advance on Romney, with a brigade and US regular battery coming from Mechanicsburg and deploying at Evans' Farm, and a small force of infantry, sharpshooters and part of a battery coming from Hanging Rocks and deploying north of Leith.
The two sides opened fire at long range, with the Federal sharpshooters and US artillery getting the better of the Confederates, who still hold their ground at 11:40 a.m.